What is
Gravity energy Storage?

How Gravity energy STORAGE workS

The Power of Gravity: How Gravity Energy Batteries Store Renewable Energy

As the push for renewable energy intensifies, the challenge of energy storage becomes more crucial. That’s where Gravity Energy Batteries step in—harnessing the force of gravity to store and release energy efficiently. Gravity-based storage, known as gravity energy storage, leverages the movement of a mass to store energy and release it when needed.

At its core, a gravity battery stores gravitational potential energy by raising a heavy object, such as a block or water, against the force of Earth’s gravity. The higher the mass is lifted, the more energy is stored. When electricity demand rises, this stored potential energy is released by lowering the object, which spins a generator to produce electricity. This process creates a reliable, long-term energy solution, especially for balancing the fluctuating energy production from wind and solar.

One popular form of gravity-based energy storage is pumped-storage hydroelectricity (PSH), where excess renewable energy pumps water uphill to a reservoir. When energy is needed, the water is released to flow downhill through turbines, generating electricity. This method, widely used globally, highlights the efficiency and reliability of gravity energy storage on a large scale.

Gravity Batteries in Action

Whether through lifting solid masses like concrete blocks or using water in pumped-storage systems, gravity energy batteries operate on the same principle: converting gravitational potential energy into electricity. These systems not only store excess renewable energy but also provide a sustainable method to balance energy supply and demand across the grid.

Renewell Energy’s Unique Approach

At Renewell Energy, we’ve taken this concept a step further. Our patented Gravity Well system turns idle oil wells into a revolutionary form of energy storage, effectively combining the principles of gravity energy storage with a solution to a major environmental issue. We use existing wells to store energy by raising and lowering weights inside the well, similar to how a gravity battery functions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. When renewable energy sources, like wind or solar, generate excess power, this energy is used to lift a weight inside the well. This process stores gravitational potential energy in the system.
  2. When energy demand rises, the weight is lowered, turning a regenerative winch that produces electricity for the grid.

This simple yet powerful process allows for clean, reliable energy to be dispatched when needed, bridging the gap between energy production and consumption.

More Than Just Storage: Cleaning Up Idle Oil Wells

Renewell Energy’s Gravity Well system offers another advantage—it helps clean up idle oil wells. In North America, there are over 2.6 million idle oil wells, many of which are leaking harmful methane gas, a major contributor to climate change. By converting these wells into oil well energy storage units, Renewell not only provides an innovative energy solution but also addresses a critical environmental challenge.

Every well we convert is sealed, preventing methane leaks and helping achieve a net-negative carbon footprint. This dual impact—repurposing oil wells for energy storage and mitigating environmental damage—positions our Gravity Well technology as a sustainable and scalable solution.

Repurposing Oil Wells for a Renewable Future

Our goal is to repurpose oil wells and create over 132 GWh of energy storage capacity, representing about 5% of the storage needed for a 100% renewable grid. This ambitious plan transforms wells into energy storage sites, ensuring that oil wells that end well contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

Want to learn more about how Renewell Energy is leading the charge in gravity energy storage? Contact us today and discover how our innovative Gravity Well system can help power a sustainable future.

A Closer Look.

Renewell’s “Gravity Well” technology utilizes a mechatronic energy conversion system to convert idle oil and gas wells into the lowest cost, greenest energy storage in existence. A Gravity Well charges and discharges by lifting and lowering a long cylindrical weight, which consists of used oilfield tubing or casing and high-density filling. It is suspended by wire rope in an idle well that is sealed with a cement plug before installation. An ultra-high-efficiency motor-generator converts the system’s potential energy to electrical energy for use on the grid.

Idle oil and gas wells are an ideal host for gravity energy storage due to their depth, expensive plug and abandonment (P&A), pre-existing electrical infrastructure, and current methane emissions. US wells average ~5,200ft of depth, greatly increasing (>10x vs. competitors) the storage potential of each kilogram of suspended weight. Combining this high-value storage with the high-cost, legally required P&A process offers the lowest cost energy storage available (LCOS = $63/MWh). Up to 40% of idle wells have been found to leak methane. Sealing the well during installation stops these emissions, making a Gravity Well the only energy storage technology with directly net-negative lifecycle GHG emissions.

Offering 40 to 500 kWh per well in over 1,000,000 viable US wells, this technology maximizes benefits from economies of scale.